Medium close up
Medium close up allows the audience to see the facial expressions of the actors along with the background to see other characters and to see where the scene has been set. The faces of the characters portray the emotion of anger or shock. The surroundings that the audience is able to see portrays the idea that they are trying to catch someone .Also it told us that they are in some danger

Establishing shot
This is and establishing shot because it shows you where the action is taking place. This shot is a good shot to show the audience cause it shows you where most of the scene is going to be. I can tell this because if you looking the corner of the picture the character is in a running position from this you can tell that something is going to happen.

Hand held
I think this is hand held cause if you look closely on how the picture is angled you can see that it is a bit tilted and from that I can assume that it is being hand held- a hand held shot is never straight. It is a close up because it is showing most of the characters face than his shoulder; his shoulders are cut in half.
WWW: Some good, solid analysis here - great to see you're mentioning what the shot tells the audience.
ReplyDeleteEBI: Always look for more depth. For the establishing shot, you could analyse what kind of alleyway it is, what the abandoned car suggests to the audience and more. You can do this in your learner response...
LR: Why did the director choose the alleyway location for the rest of this scene? Think about what it might suggest to the audience.